
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.

OpenPandora Blog Updates

There have been a couple of updates to the OpenPandora blog. The first and foremost attempts to clearly explain the difficulties in getting the Pandora to market, which center around the issue with Craig’s bank account being frozen halting their cash flow and preventing them from paying suppliers and manufacturers of crucial parts. In light of these posts I hold little faith that the clamoring on the forums will die down, but that’s forums for you, really.

Secondly, and more exciting, is a brief post about the release of TI’s OMAP 3D Drivers to the public. These drivers are working to their full capacity on the Pandora and videos should follow up shortly.

There’s also somewhat of a confusing mention of full OpenGL (not ES) support, but this is both unlikely and was retracted. There’s a discussion about this in the developer forums.

Finally, an email should be going out soon to all pre-order customers who have not yet re-ordered to re-iterate the bank details and ensure that everyone has this information.

Wednesday, January 21st, 2009, Open Source, Pandora.