
gadg-et-oid [gaj-it-oid]


1. having the characteristics or form of a gadget;
resembling a mechanical contrivance or device.

Samsung NC10

It seems that every man and his dog has a Samsung NC10, and Paul over at Modaco is no exception. His continued success in getting-OSX-to-run-on-things-it-really-shouldn’t has kept me going and finally resulted in my very own triple-boot Samsung NC10.

I eventually got the iDeneb CD to boot by copying it (Carbon Copy Cloner or Restore) onto an external hard drive and installing Chameleon over it.

In other news, Paul has snagged, a damned fine domain name that I can’t believe was still available.

Check over the fold for an unboxing of the very sexy white NC10:

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2009, News.